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Not just products: Montenero guarantees a top offer also with regard to the range of exclusive services made available to its customers.
Whether it is the design of tools tailored to meet the specific needs of the customer, the balancing and testing of the product before implementation or the scheduled or extraordinary maintenance of the tool, everything contributes to creating a product-service system, in the a sign of the professionalism of Montenero collaborators, where customer satisfaction is always at the center.

Montenero Srl designs and manufactures new tools on Customer specifications.
The implementation stage is fully computerized and automated with last generation CAD-CAM integrated systems, which guarantee a constant and high standard of quality.
Thanks to the advanced technology and the presence of highly qualified personnel, Montenero Srl ensures rapid delivery of Special Tools, impacting positively on the level of productivity of our Customers.

The tools for woodworking operate at high rotational speed and require proper balancing to efficiently carry out their function.
Under conditions of high speed of rotation, even small imbalances create significant stresses that damage the machines. causing a reduction in the quality of the processed product.
At the end of the production cycle, all tools produced by MONTENERO SRL are assembled and balanced by sophisticated electronic equipment.
The lack of proper balancing undermines the accuracy of the previous processes.
At the end of testing process, each product is laser-marked with the data for tracking the carried out work.

The tools for woodworking operate at high rotational speed and require proper balancing to efficiently carry out their function.
Under conditions of high speed of rotation, even small imbalances create significant stresses that damage the machines. causing a reduction in the quality of the processed product.
At the end of the production cycle, all tools produced by MONTENERO SRL are assembled and balanced by sophisticated electronic equipment.
The lack of proper balancing undermines the accuracy of the previous processes.
At the end of testing process, each product is laser-marked with the data for tracking the carried out work.

Proper sharpening is critical to tool performance and it must restore all the parameters established in the design phase. Normally, the tools to be sharpened show:
- Worn teeth
It is advisable to perform the sharpening when the teeth aren’t too worn yet: insisting on using the tools with worn teeth, only leads to a dramatic decline in the yield and quality of the product. In addition, with a worn tool the chipping are increasing also on materials of good quality.
- Worn and chipped teeth
This defect is generally caused by the processing of low-quality raw materials that contain impurities.
If chips are big, it is advisable to change the PCD plate.