On this page you can always stay informed about our latest product news, our participation in fairs and events and all the other updates on the Montenero world.

Novità: teste portacoltelli pialla

Ultimissimo progetto in casa Montenero riguardante le teste portacoltelli. Questo utensile a testa pialla con coltello centrolock e coltelli raggiati, permette un’ottima asportazione e un’ottima finitura data dai coltelli raggiati.


Montenero’s Company obtained the certification of permanent joining procedure made by brazing process. It certifies that the test pieces were prepared, brazed and tested satisfactorily in accordance with the requirements

New: chipboard tools

Montenero presents two new tools for making chipboard panels. These two new tools enrich the already wide range of Montenero proposals, joining an offer characterized by high quality materials, manufacturing

An innovative rebranding for Montenero

In recent months, Montenero has undertaken an important rebranding project, in collaboration with the marketing and communication agency Aipem, to equip itself with the new tools necessary to face the